Upcoming Webinars 2025:

05.03.2025 at 1300: Step into the Spotlight: Immersive Virtual Reality Environment for Overcoming Oral Presentation and Public Speaking Fear in Higher Education. Presentation by Dr Abhinesh Prabhakaran from UWE. Please see this flyer.

12.03.25 at 1300:  Sterling Academic Access Program: Empowering the Next Generation of Estimation Professionals. Presentation by Professor Andrew Langridge from Sterling DCS. Please see the flyer.

 Webinar: “ Industry Led Sustainability Learning” Led by Holly Hansen-Maughan from the Supply Chain Sustainability School. Here is a link to her presentation and some other information that you may find useful

 Webinar“Enabling Successful Apprenticeships?” Led by Dr Caroline Sudworth from STEM Explored Ltd / Technical Apprenticeship Consortium (TAC)Here is a link to her presentation.

Webinars from Past Years